Huzzah Mini Webserver | JH5363

So this week we were introduced to the HUZZAH Feather ESP8266’s wifi package and were supposed to create a mini web server that changed according to some input connected to the micro controller. I decided to make a very simple web server which just changed the word and background color displayed when a button was pressed. Additionally, 3 LED’s (red, yellow, green) were next to the button and would light up according to which color was going to be displayed on the page. Here is the breadboard set up:

I was having some troubles until I realized my wire connecting the ground bars to the ESP8266 ground wasn’t actually fully plugged in. After this everything started working smoothly. Here is the board serving the webpage:

It’s really cool that the this board is natively able to serve pages like this. It might be more useful if we could use IPv6 and access the board from anywhere around the world but i’m unsure of the current internet infrastructure reliably being able to support that. My code is essentially the same as the sample provided with mostly just logic modifications as well as different HTML being served.