

For my midterm project, I decided to switch my topic from temperamental sheep to “Teletubby.” Teletubby is an empathetic elf who cares and understands your inner feeling. At my draft attached below, in order to know how a person feels, I use the force sensor as input data in the beginning. Teletubby will be able to know your mental condition by analyzing the frequency and volume from your answering voice. However, I ended up using a force sensor because I think users could be more interactive with the device. 

I began with creating an animation from p5.js, and linked it with arduino by using arest.

p5.js Draft

To start the interaction, people could input their stress level by pressing the force sensor, and the data will be mapped from 0 to 100, and people could see how much force they pressed by looking to the bar shown on the screen. If the force sensor has been held for a static level, within a range 5, for 3 seconds. In order to control the timing, I wrote a variable, count, and if the difference between data from the last loop and a new loop is smaller than 5, the count will be added one. 

After Teletubby got your stress level, he will either smile and wiggle or showing a sad face depends on your condition. If your stress level is lower than 65, this means your at good condition, otherwise, you’re not feeling well, and he will make you feel his empathy by showing a sad face to you. 

This is actually one of the difficulties I met. In order to have two facial expressions, I was intending to use two different EL wire, red and blue. The EL wire I bought is the one which needs to use two 1.5v battery and control different three lighting mode by clicking the button. In order to connect it with Huzzah and control by it, I solder three wires to make the circuit works. However, once I tried to use two EL wire at the same time, one of it will start blinking and the other one gets really dim, so I gave up using both. I ended up using only one EL wire and make it rotate by using a servo, but I forgot that the servo couldn’t be rotated up to 180 degrees. 

If I got more time on this project, the first thing I would do is solving the EL wire problem. I would try to figure out how to make two EL wire work simultaneously. After this, I’d like to add sound for Teletubby, so the user could have a stronger connection and interaction with him. Last but not least, I’d like to refine my prototype and come up with something people can really hang on their wall and play with him every day.