Midterm: Pomodoro Timer

As stated in my previous post, I attempted to build a Pomodoro productivity timer.


  • 1 x Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 microcontroller
  • 2 x LEDs, red and green
  • 2 x 220-ohm transistors
  • 1 x standard 16×2 LCD
  • iPhone to provide WiFi hotspot
  • Wire, etc

After multiple unsuccessful attempts to wire up the LCD, I pivoted and elected to use 2 LEDs instead, red indicating shorter break time, and green longer work time. My timer function itself is a simple loop that runs on the background. I have yet to figure out how to set up communication with the server so that the timer starts at the click of the button on the webpage. I will need to utilize a function without delay() to achieve that, and perhaps explore timer libraries for Arduino.

In demonstration videos, I left in the LCD in the breadboard setup. I will attempt to get it to work in the future.

The videos above are demonstrations of the function of the prototype and the programming.