Network Artwork Installation: 2.4Ghz by Recyclism

I found a very interesting artist named Recyclism (real name: Benjamin Gaulon) who has a project called 2.4Ghz which monitors nearby broadcast signals from CCTV cameras and displays them on a screen on the street.

I think this is really interesting because it makes use of the information that is flowing all around us but we don’t really have a solid mechanism for visualizing it, plus it makes people aware of how they are being monitored at all times.

While I can’t say I am particularly experienced with radio frequency tech, I do think this idea of capitalizing on broadcasted information for art to be a cool concept. One thing I think would be cool to do with this sort of concept is essentially the same thing, monitoring broadcasted and unencrypted data in the air, but instead of solely monitoring security cameras and displaying only one at time it would be cool to collect as much information as possible and have a device that is spitting it all out rapid fire. It could catch radio signals, walkie talkies, and anything else that is freely being sent over the air waves. Then a flurry of visuals and sounds would come out in an almost overwhelming manner but it would be showcasing how much information humans push into the air around us and would be a rather fun way to bring something intangible into the tangible.