
TetraBIN is an interactive trash can that encourages people to throw out their trash with a huge LED screen around the can that displays games. For example, when you throw out a piece of trash, a tetris block might appear on the screen, so people can basically play tetris and other games by throwing things away. I’ve actually been following this project for a little while, but I’m still not completely sure how it works. I think there are motion sensors around the rim of the trash can that detect if an item is being thrown in. If so, it sends a signal to the microcontroller that displays the game with something like Processing. There are also codes that appear on the screen that users can enter onto their website to redeem prizes. So, I think there’s a smaller network within the bin, as well as a network that connects the bin to the larger internet. If I were to make this, I would try to make it more practical, but make sure it keeps the same feel of joyfulness that it provides to cities. For example, I might create different compartments within the bin – one for trash, one for recycling, and one for compost, and have instructions on the screen that tell the user what trash item goes where in a fun and engaging way. Mainly, I find this project inspiring because of I’ve always been interested in sustainability and urban environments and how technology can impact them.

