Final Project Idea – Gambling in life

I’m fascinated by gambling concept, which depends on luck and we do not have control over it. Though most of the time it is a random event that it is theoretically equal possibility to get any result which might be good or bad. Some people believe that they are born with good or bad luck. So I start my idea with a gambling lamp, which is a lamp plus camera and three dices. If you want to change the brightness of the lamp, you have to roll the dice and the camera will pick up the number you get and sum them up to set the brightness of the lamp.

As some extensions, I though it is also fun to have a cashout machine, you have to get three 7 to stop the alarm, when you wake up late in the morning, it might be funny that you do not have enough luck to close the alarm.

Also, everyday life, not so extreme, I think the random playing feature of music apps are interesting. If we can have some fun gambling mechanic that trigger different playlist of Spotify, it is more fun than just clicking the button cause we can actual see the physical ball rolling on the plate that decide the final result.

It is fun to think about money through gambling, as an extension of this idea, I thought that out civilization is constructed based on money and capitals. What will it be like if we can make a small simulation that when people put some money into the machine, it will accelerate the city’s development and it will gradually turn from a forest into a busy city. It can also be an internet art that people can pay through PayPal to play this game online together and see how much funding is imported in to the city.

For the last part of extension, when human the city in developing, the other side of the activity cause the deconstruction of the nature environment. I’m thinking that it is quite irony if we invest money into the machine, the deconstruction process of our world is also happening on the other side of the world.

Some Cool reference I found : Social Swipe