Do not Disturb

So sometimes you get a whole bunch of messages from that group chat of friends you have. Your phone starts vibrating a lot, but you can’t just take your phone out in class, so I decided to make this thing that sends a message to them that I am at school. My group of friends have a GPS tracking app that we use on each other and I feel like they don’t check that before messaging someone, so by the press of a button it sends a message that saying that “I am at School” and if the value of the button is high and stays high it spams it.

I tested it out and it turns out I was almost on the verge of spamming them like crazy because I was holding the button, so I had to apologize.





I’m not really sure about what internet arts there are, but while looking through Google I found this lady named An Xiao. She proposed using Morse Code to communicate in Twitter. Smalls things like “Brushing my teeth” or “Going to Sleep”. In order to use Morse, there is probably some kind of translation going on through a device. It distinguishes long and short presses to create letters and then words. It is kind of like what I couldn’t quite get to do for the midterm.

There is also this person named Rafaƫl Rozendaal. His art is on art websites, that he sells to collectors. One example of his work is a website that shows a Jell-o mold bounce and react to the movement of the mouse. There is probably some p5js going on and it tracks the movement of the mouse on the screen and changes the photo or starts a gif. I feel like you could also do this with a potentiometer and make something move around the screen depending on its position.