Microservices of the Library of Babel

“Hello and welcome to the Library of Babel, proudly running on Babel Web Services since 2009! I’m Pierre Menard, one of the staff librarians here (I also wrote Don Quixote, but that’s another story…), and I want to demonstrate our latest microservice!

The idea is simple. See that stack of books over there?

Pick out any book you like.

Great! Good choice. You couldn’t go on, but you went on. Now, open to a passage you like that has an accompanying RFID tag.

Awesome! Now, see that funky-looking gadget over there? The black box with a screen and a barcode surface on it, labeled “BWS” on the side?

If you open the box up you’ll get sucked into it and awoken from your alternate reality dream like in Mulholland Drive Go ahead and scan your passage on it and see what happens!

Look at that! You made Samuel Beckett roll over in his grave. Try another!


Some books have tags on their covers, because we think that titles are also fair game!

See, even one swapped-out letter can cause a lot of mischief!
Thanks for the visit! Just a head’s up that the exit is a little hard to find here, some might even call it labyrinthine.