Homework 3 Love Test Machine

For my love test machine I decided to go with more of a classic interface. Those old machines usually take an input and don’t tell you how you did until the whole game is finished. My idea was to take a button, you press it once to start the game, once the game is started then you start tapping the button furiously as possible to see how many times you can get it to go. 

With the readings from last week, I understand that you have to make it clear to the person what they’re doing and where they’re at in the game. They also need a feedback mechanism so they know what’s going on. I used the lights on the left hand side of the board for that purpose. Yellow for when the game is about to start, Green for when the user should tapping as hard as possible, and the three red leds on the right hand side of the board indicate the results and how you did. 

Because I was at first struggling with understanding, I started with writing the code for the leds, in order to sequence them in the way I wanted them to. Once I was able to do that then I added in the switch and once I turned the switch into an on and off sequence that’s when it really started to come together. I then organized the components onto another side of the board in order to make sure that it was understandable and doable. 

The one issue I have is in the middle when you’re tapping the button delay doesn’t work but I was wondering how I should go about letting the person tap as many times as possible before going onto the next step for like 5 seconds. 

*my phone images can’t be uploaded because of HEIC