Network Infrastructure Exercise

The first picture I found in the NYU Bobst Library. It was planted on the ceiling and there were multiple of them throughout the entire library. I am pretty sure that they are WiFi amplifiers of some sorts. They are placed everywhere so that there will be WiFi available throughout the entire library and that the strength of the WiFi remains consistent throughout.

I found this outside one of the school buildings. I am unsure as to what this object does but I am certain it has something to do with the electricity in the vicinity. I was thinking it could be a circuit breaker in regards to the electricity in the public as well. There was a screen tightly locked onto the left side so that no one would be able to tamper with the box.


I found this in a public park where there were many lights and other electrical objects. I couldn’t locate the object it was powering due to the fact that there were many other wires around. Due to the very obvious “On/Off” switch, I could only imagine that it was powering an electrical device that was in the park. It was connected to the outlet as well so that only further proves my hypothesis.