Final Project (Final Update)

I tried to make an instrument tuner and display whether you were in tune with 3 leds. One green led would say you are good, 2 red leds would say that you are too high or too low. I tried to do communication from a p5 sketch to an arduino with OSC. I couldn’t get it to work though, so it is kind of unfortunate.

I tried to do serial communication at first but that didn’t work because it just doesn’t work well on Windows computers? So I switched to OSC, but I also had a lot of trouble with it. I can get a basic sketch to work which lights up an led according to where the mouse is. I’m kind of disappointed. I thought once I got a basic sketch down, I could apply it right away to my p5 sketch I already had, but it didn’t work out like that. I feel like it has to do something with the order setupOsc is in my setup function as well as where my sendOsc’s are in my draw function. I can get what I want to send in my console; I’m not sure what’s going wrong. It also doesn’t connect to node.js. I don’t know I stayed up and tried to make it work, but it just doesn’t. I feel like I was a bit too ambition, but also I feel like I could have gotten it done. I was just so busy this semester.

But I guess it can be like some kind of strobe light that goes off while I play the guitar. Just so it could be a little more flashy, than just seeing me play the guitar.

The thing is I really want to get this working, so I’m going to continue working on it. It seems like a waste just to stop here and give up.


So I tried to change the way my tuner would work. Since I was not getting the code to work the way I wanted to, I thought trying to make the p5js sketch only recognize one string frequency would be easier, but like before when I added osc into my sketch the sketch stopped working. It just didn’t work at all.

Instead of that I tried to make the arduino send a digital signal of a button over to a p5js through osc. When the button was pressed it would make the p5 sketch play the sound of a string, with which the use could use to tune their instrument by ear and also help them to gain better pitch detection. The led on my board was so that I could see that the button was actually working, when I was not looking at the serial monitor. I don’t know if it was the order of the code or something, but some things in my sketch wouldn’t load while others would depending on order. I know that my p5 sketches worked by itself because I demonstrated them in class but, when adding osc in it stopped working all together. All my code is here in my github. Even the ones that didn’t work. Below is the button I wired up to play the E string of a guitar. As you can see in my new video the p5js sketch connects and also receives the messages, but the sound just doesn’t play. 

I feel like I just made things harder for myself, instead of trying to think about what I could do. If I thought of easier ways to do this, I think I could have done the project better. I thought that once I could get serial communication done, everything would be smooth sailing especially since I had everything else done. But I just ran into troubles right when I started using serial communication. When I started using osc, I thought it would be easy to do everything especially since it was an easier to use, but again I ran into trouble.

This is my led layout for my tuner I wanted to make.

Final Project Guitar Tuner Update

This past week I’ve been playing around with the code a lot since it’s honestly something I’m not good at. I wired up my breadboard and I used a simple code where the Potentiometer turns on one led at a time, at different positions.

I know that you can use serial communication between the ESP and P5, so that is something that I would want to work on by next week, since I will have the instrument cable to usb by Sunday. Also the frequency reading would be a lot more accurate because of the isolation of the guitar sound from all the background sound. After getting all the code and communication done, I want to build some kind of boxing for this so that there aren’t wires flying all around and so it would look a lot nicer.

Final Guitar Tuner

I think I would like to create a guitar tuner that could communicate with a webpage so it looks cooler than just looking at bunch of lights on an Adafruit board. Or it could send a text that it’s tuned using IFTTT.


Do not Disturb

So sometimes you get a whole bunch of messages from that group chat of friends you have. Your phone starts vibrating a lot, but you can’t just take your phone out in class, so I decided to make this thing that sends a message to them that I am at school. My group of friends have a GPS tracking app that we use on each other and I feel like they don’t check that before messaging someone, so by the press of a button it sends a message that saying that “I am at School” and if the value of the button is high and stays high it spams it.

I tested it out and it turns out I was almost on the verge of spamming them like crazy because I was holding the button, so I had to apologize.





I’m not really sure about what internet arts there are, but while looking through Google I found this lady named An Xiao. She proposed using Morse Code to communicate in Twitter. Smalls things like “Brushing my teeth” or “Going to Sleep”. In order to use Morse, there is probably some kind of translation going on through a device. It distinguishes long and short presses to create letters and then words. It is kind of like what I couldn’t quite get to do for the midterm.

There is also this person named Rafaël Rozendaal. His art is on art websites, that he sells to collectors. One example of his work is a website that shows a Jell-o mold bounce and react to the movement of the mouse. There is probably some p5js going on and it tracks the movement of the mouse on the screen and changes the photo or starts a gif. I feel like you could also do this with a potentiometer and make something move around the screen depending on its position.

Network Infrastructure

The first thing I drew was this pole thing I saw on Flatbush in front of the Avalon apartment. I don’t actually know what this is, but I think it could be a microwave radar as written in this week’s reading. These things actually count and track traffic in a certain intersection. This data could be used by the city or certain companies.

Or it could have been a lamp with a light sensor. I think it could have also been this because it had a white opaque top which kind of looked like a lamp.

The second picture is a camera pole near canal st on Lafayette. I think this could be speed camera or red light camera, but i think it is unlikely to be a red light camera because it is not facing a traffic light. It might be surveillance cameras as well as speed cameras which would help catch speeding cars.

The third picture are the schedule for when the trains are coming. These are everywhere in stations. Sometimes they are so helpful, but sometimes they are also so torturing because the train could be delayed many times and the screen could keep saying the same times. I actually don’t know how these screens know when trains are coming, because I heard from someone that the MTA employees actually do not know where the trains actually are in tunnels until the train is a few mins before it enters.

Midterm Project Button Communicator

So for my midterm project I envisioned a button that would communicate some sort of message when pressed a certain amount of times. Lets say, 3 presses would say “I need to use the bathroom” and 4 would be “I’m hungry!”. This would help people who need assistance to do something. Depending on the number of presses a different message would pop up on a screen somewhere on a web page. I could use the serial monitor in order to display the messages, but I couldn’t get messages to display on the html page. Maybe because of a fast refresh rate of the page or something in my code. But I kept getting stressed about why my code wasn’t working.

So while I was thinking about what to do, I thought about the Lifeline commercial where old people fall and they say “Help I’ve fallen and I can’t get up”. I don’t know why, but I thought that was kind of funny because how fake their acting is in the commercial and the memes that came from it. So I decided to make it display at least that message.

The is my breadboard set up for this project.

My code for the set up was pretty simple and I’ve included it in a github here,

My web-page was real simple, it only displayed LifeLine and then waiting for response right below. When the button was pressed it would display “Help!”. This is a video of me demonstrating the button.

Midterm Description: Button communicator

For my midterm project I thought of how I could make my button counter better. I wanted to help people who have a difficult time communicating through words. For example, a different amount of clicks would communicate something.

1 – I need water/food

2 – I need to go to the bathroom

3 – I feel sick

For now, I have gotten the basic counting to work and display on the serial monitor. In order to make it communicate different things I would need different “if” statements that would give different outputs according to different inputs. I would also like it to display on maybe a web server or html site in order to have a better display. I also still have a hard time making it communicate with a server.


HW 4 Switch counter

I tried to make a webpage that would count how many times I pressed the switch. I am not good at coding, so it took me some time and I still didn’t get how I should code anything or where I should start. For now I’ve started learning some html so I created the most basic website ever. It basically just displays whatever I typed there in the page.

I’ve also finally got a working usb, so I was able to use the switch code we did like 2 weeks ago. but for the sensor server hw I would like my board to be set up like this.


I was going into my dorm and there are these card scanners that let you go through the turnstiles to enter the dorm. But honestly these don’t work as well as people would think. I saw someone behind me while waiting for the elevator. She scanned her card, put in her pin. As she tried to go through those wretched turnstiles she just rammed her side into it and it didn’t budge. How much would that have hurt…. A LOT. I’ve felt it before. She tried again… but again it didn’t work, this time she was more cautious. Third time, it didn’t work again. It worked the fourth time. Why was I there for so long? Because the elevators are so slow. SO SLOW. It goes up and down and the doors open so slow. Everything doesn’t work as well as it should.

The girl saw that she should have been more careful the second time, since she rammed her side into the turnstile. This was the affordance. The signifier was the fact that she most likely bruised herself trying to go through the first time.

Hands Free Switch

I made a switch that resembles somewhat of a foot pedal. I tried to cut a box to make it more square like, but I didn’t have tape nor glue so I was left with this. I used copper tape that Professor Fitzgerald gave me to create a conductive surface. I put this on two sides of the cardboard. This would eventually touch when you put your foot on it and complete the circuit. The wires are aluminum foil wrapped up and these would attach to a battery.

This is my updated version. I added a led, but as it says in my comment. It didn’t work. And also my usb is janky so it doesn’t work; I didn’t have time to go buy a new one, so it was actually such an unfortunate week.